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January 25, 2008

Anglo-American Cooperation (Political Propaganda)

Does ONDCP have an agent at BMJ?

Late this afternoon, a friend sent me this link to the first 150 words of a recent BMJ editorial commenting on an American-authored  article (from Walter Reed, no less) on the use of cannabis for chronic pain. The good news is that the editorial writer and, it seems, the article itself, will admit that cannabis has some “medical utility.” The bad news is that the editorial’s account of the Marijuana Tax Act distorts reality in 2008 to an even greater degree than Anslinger’s whoppers did in 1937. Since I’m loathe to purchase such nonsense, I’ve decided to restrain my curiosity until some kind soul posts the full text or I can get it from my local medical library.

A pattern of sorts emerged with a little browsing: another recent BMJ editorial took the same tack with meth using the 150 word aliquot  of free text to distort the history of, and responsibility for, today’s methamphetamine market by the 1970 CSA.  The article being endorsed was written by an academic psychiatrist in the heart of Iowa’s meth campaign.

A related item anticipating a possible UK ban on meth precursors, had also appeared recently; but there was good news: the ban appears a long way off, and the scare item had provoked some typically understated British ridicule.

Doctor Tom

Posted by tjeffo at January 25, 2008 03:07 PM
